Our Rules

Rules and Guidance

Rules and Guidance for Pratap Girls Cottage:

Respect: Treat everyone with courtesy and respect their privacy. describe

Respecting others at Pratap Girls Cottage means treating everyone with politeness and kindness while also valuing their privacy. It involves being mindful of personal boundaries and ensuring a comfortable and respectful living environment for all residents.

Curfew: Adhere to the curfew timings for safety and security.

The curfew at Pratap Girls Cottage is a safety measure to ensure the well-being and security of all residents. It specifies the time by which residents are required to return to the hostel premises for their safety and peace of mind.

Cleanliness: Maintain cleanliness in common areas and personal spaces.

Common Areas: Keep shared spaces like the kitchen, lounge, and bathrooms clean and tidy. Dispose of trash properly and clean up after use. Personal Spaces: Maintain cleanliness in your room by regularly dusting, vacuuming, and organizing your belongings. Keep your bed made and laundry in designated areas.

Noise: Keep noise levels low to ensure a peaceful environment.

Keeping noise levels low at Pratap Girls Cottage ensures a tranquil and peaceful environment for all residents. It fosters a conducive atmosphere for study, relaxation, and rest, promoting a harmonious living experience for everyone.

Visitors: Inform the management about any visitors and follow guest policies.

Visitors to Pratap Girls Cottage must notify the management in advance regarding any guests. Guests must adhere to the hostel's guest policies, including registration and compliance with rules to ensure safety and security for all residents.

Safety: Follow safety protocols and report any concerns promptly.

Emergency Contacts: Keep emergency contact numbers handy for quick access during any crisis. Fire Safety: Familiarize yourself with fire evacuation procedures and locate fire exits. Personal Security: Lock your doors and windows when leaving your room and report any security issues.

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